Friday, July 29, 2016

The Old-New Song in Town: "Non-Negotiable Unity"

The Old-New Song in Town:

“Non-Negotiable Unity”

In The Beginning:

Every time they say
nation’s unity is
but pathway of unity
they never travel;
daily, they sing
“unity in diversity”
continuously, ethnic card
they play before national

 “Arise O’ Compatriots”
hymn from their pulpit
but nation’s choir masters
are nothing other than
religious fanatics, regional, and
sectional war commanders.

Unity! Unity!! Unity!!!
seems the only grammar
in their lexicon,
but masters of divisive politics,
relentlessly, they remind
their subjects heroic deeds
of their founding fathers,
unfortunately, heroism
they have turned-only to-
and physical identities,
to Logos and Icons,
sacrifices made by these fathers-
modern day apostles do not know.

Noble cause-service to humanity-
that defined and explained-
Fathers-of-the Nation,
Khalifas of modern times
have criminally abandoned;
instead Servicemark
they advertise to the
mesmerized and
hypnotized audience.

Education-the liberation fruit-
that set them free from ignorance
and disease,
ladder to their upward movement, and
light to their pathways;
same education-they have declared
evil and a forbidden fruit-
that their own may remain
eternally ignorant for
their continued survival and
generations in their loins,
yet unborn.

Children of their subjects-
continuously, they turn
urchins and imps,
fruit of belly-
tomorrow of every human 
keep making waif and

Tools of terror and
merchants of violence
they have made
out-of-youths from low and
humble background;
their children and wards
they place on decorated horses
tomorrow’s heir apparent
pulling wagons of poor kids.

Sad to say, 
mass army of down-and-out,
impecunious, and penurious,
they accomplished in their
project-they now want it go
whenever people of different
cultural character and make up
raise objections to their
benighted world view,
they will respond:
“Our Unity is Non-

Will someone tell
new national anthem composers
that “Unity in Diversity”
is unity without conformity,
diversity without fragmentation.

Unity-vehicle that is opened-
to everyone and its driver is
tolerant to all passengers;
diversity-multiple roadways-
that accommodate every
opinion, belief, point of view,
attitude, and thinking.

Monday, July 4, 2016

The New Oluwole in Town.

The New Oluwole in Town.

They forge everything  
from certificate to rules
and procedures to achieve
their inordinate ambitions;
they clone new documents
from old and non-existent
materials to purse political

Old and permanently
indited documents,
Oluwole merchants
are ready to re-write,
people without basic
printing knowledge  
have become overnight
editors and proofreaders.

Archival materials of centuries
bequeathed to us by our
Oluwole merchants
are ready to mutilate;
security-sensitive documents
they reconfigure in a jiffy,
document substitution
Oluwole businesspersons do
with lightning rod.

houses they are building,
fraud-the building bricks-
of mansions they live in.

Deceits-hymns that
come always from
their mouth,
double tongue-their
mark of identity in
the public square;
treachery-their pathway
and highway to fame,
every time they play
Judas to power and influence.

Just like chameleon-they behave,
in a like manner-always-
they escape like a slippery fish;
you can barely hold them for
anything they say,
their morning conversation,
they will deny before noon,
mid-day talk-before
sundown-they will recant.

Promises made upon oath,
soon-they will tell-
oath was a joke,
promises made under the
they will replace with those
made in the rain that can
be easily washed away .

Promissory Notes that carry
their signet rings-their signatures-
they will tell-someone forged
their signatures;
assurances made on electronic
media of voice and sound,
picture and image,
they will tell,
it never happened.

Oluwole-the wonderful-
Yoruba name-
Nigerian politicians
have soiled and ruined,
when the old Oluwole is

Nigerians should tell
politicians to leave
or else Oluwoles may hire
Senior Advocates to plead
their case at Supreme Court.
