Thursday, June 20, 2019

This Is Africa:

Africa Envisioned-

A:   All will remember your goodness to humanity,

F:   From earliest times to present day

      people will,

R:   Receive you with open hand and blessing,

I:    Inform generations to come about you,

C:   Care, Concern, and Consideration

       which you,

A:   Accord every living you ever know.

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A:  And from north to south, east to west,

F:  Families from Cairo to Cape Coast

      will give due

R:  Regard to those pains and sufferings

      on behalf of mankind,

I:   Indigenes and foreigners within your

      gates will

C:  Call to mind your noble roles, and

A:  All will hail you for milk of life-

      from your breasts.

Image result for tomorrow africa
A:  Against all odds you triumph as

F:  Friends and foes keep wondering

      on your survival instincts,

R:  Royalty won’t be far from you, and

I:   Inside and outside your gates

C:  Compliments and homage-you’ll receive

A: And your children will laud you


Distribution of identified renewable energy potential in Africa. Source: International Renewable Energy Agency (2013), based on the Global Atlas.  

A:  Affection for you will never end

F:  Fortitude from you will encourage

     your children that tomorrow will be great.

R:  Resilience from you will motivate your

      daughters that tomorrow belong to them

I:   Illumination you will become to the world.

C:  Command will go from you into

      four corners of the earth.

A:   Admiration people will give you forever.

Image result for potentials in africa

A:  And your painful past will be forgotten


F:  Future for greatness await you

     where no one will,

R:  Recall those cry of mankind’s

I:   Inhumanity to your

C:  Children as their happy voices rend the

A:  Air in new Africa and beyond.

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A:  Accra-Abuja-Addis-Ababa will

      become home to your children without

      border restriction,

F:  Freedom will sound loud from

      Mediterranean Sea to Cape of Good Hope,

R: Restoration to goodness will overtake

     your land,

I:  Independence and Inner Peace will be your

     possession from land to land.

C: Compromise will replace Conflict

A: Altruism will take place of selfishness.

 Image result for tomorrow africa

It will happen in

Africa of Today,


It will take place in

Africa of Tomorrow.

Image result for potentials in africa Image result for this is africa

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