Saturday, October 24, 2015

Treat Her in This Manner

Treat Her in this Manner

Honor her
don’t humiliate her,
show her love,
do not leave her
motivate don’t
discourage her,
promote and never
prevent her reaching
her desired goals.

Support rather suppressing
elevate don’t relegate her,
rescue don’t ridicule her.

Defend instead of deserting her,
fortify and never leave her
her life-add more value
don’t write down or
write her off.

Stop not at sustaining her,
neither subdue nor suppress,
but encourage and promote.

Believe her,
give no room for disbelieving,
trust more but doubt less,
lighten her load
never be a burden;
make her laugh,
never make her a cry.

Make her a complement,
not a service provider,
a partner not a maid;
a fellow builder,
not a material for building,
a team member not a
spectator at the theater.

You will gain her respect,
she will trust you,
brother you will become to her,
she will commit herself to you
eternally and
father, you will become to her.

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