Sunday, May 22, 2016

Europe: The Land of Double-Dealing Culture

Europe: Land of
Double-Dealing Culture

 Europa-How it Began

Europe-one time center of the world-
source of western and modern
pioneered by Hellenistic Greek and
Catholic Rome;
civilization that foreshadowed

Renaissance-a cultural movement-
that birthed discovery, exploration,
science, industrial revolution, and
religious reformation;
a double-dealing culture of
rape, exploitation, and civility.

Europe-the second smallest
of all continents-
landmass bordered
by three continental waters
have had more shares in
world events than any

Enlightenment from 15th century
culture revival-the renaissance- 
made Europe pursued political and
economic interests beyond its
territorial frontiers into Asia,
Africa, new world-the Americas-
and Australia-the “unknown land of
the South.”

Europe-the land of twelve 
monarchs and the Vatican-
throne of pope;
in you were these
human lords British, French,
German, Italian, Spanish,
Portuguese, and Belgian,
notoriously famous for centuries,
because of evils and atrocities
they committed and perpetuated
against humanity outside
their borders and frontiers.

Europe and its Trademark:

Europe-you created and ran-
Trans-Atlantic slave trade in
a morally disgusting trade for
servitude you established in
occupied territories,
colonialism you pursued as
policy of subjugation, and
exploitation by means of rape
and looting you espoused.

Africans-you dehumanized-
their possessions you
forcibly took away from them;
their gold, silver, copper, and
valuables you apportioned
to build your homelands;
by means of her sweat
it created interminable
wealth for you.

Cries from their lands
made you joyful,
emotional and physical
pains from their homelands
brought you eternal
from their fields translated
to symphony of joy for you.

Her skin you turned fur,
which covered your kith and
kin in winter and,
linen in summer;
ceaselessly, African fingers
tilled the lands that fed you.

Upon their shoulders and
their heads without carrier
they carried all the loots
in their lands to your
chosen destinations.

At your tables they served
day and night,
in your vineyards,
naked-they cultivated-
that you may lacked nothing.

Their women you turned to
sex objects for your pleasure,
their kids you turned guards
and sentries to watch over
your children.

Their biologically imbued men
you turned breeders and
bloodstock for copulation,
to give you healthy souls
for labor in your courtyards.

Unending Revised Servitude:  

Europe-in you was once upon
a time-
an empire where sun never set,
empire that once controlled
one-third of earth’s land mass and
fifty percent of world resources.

From ocean to ocean, sea to sea,
one end of the earth to the other,
she honked everyone heard her;
whenever she roared,
every soul trembled.

At will she decided
who should be set free and
who would not without
convincing reasons.

Europe for your interest,
unrelated geographical
territories you created
in Africa,
people of different cultures,
outlook, and social systems
you herded into same pen,
for your immediate and
long term gains.

Even now that you are
technically off stage,
evils planted centuries ago,
superiority of race,
hate, slavery, servitude, and
mistreatments have become
a giant sequoia;
it branches and foliage provide
shade to modern world,
fruit from it keep shaping
today’s thinking just like

Europe-your yesterday
immoral trades-
driven mainly by profits have
created today’s corrupt and
inequalities in all spheres of
human endeavors.

Sad to say, yesterday’s
mistreatment and
dehumanization on your
victims have refused to go
from their offspring’s
memory-centuries after.

Rather modern day actors-
who are directly or
indirectly related to you-
found joy in perfecting
yesterday’s modus operandi,
techniques, and procedures
to subjugate the weak,
hound the feeble, and
harass the powerless.

Even as the offspring of
yesterday’s victims are
crying of evils their ancestors
today’s evils against them
are worse.

When will the evil be over?
When will the children of victims
and children of erstwhile masters
sit just as one in the same courtyard?
When will your faucet dispense
water of fairness, justice, and equality?

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