Euro-American Club or
Secret Societies
Rule the World.
Behind Invisible:
Euro-American or
Trans-Atlantic Clubs-
They are few and distinct,
extremely powerful and intensely secretive;
behind concaves of
disguised buildings,
they operate,
in remote locations or
far from prying eyes,
they converge.
nowhere near recognition,
they conduct affairs;
those with known addresses
or rotational locations-
without agenda, no resolution,
no voting and,
intense secrecy
shield their gatherings.
see light,
operational mechanism
ensures strict privacy on
ritual details and secret
Documents-conspiracy theorists-
believe contain formula,
to create one world government
without borders,
premised on planned-economy of
free market ideology of
western nations’capitalism.
From time-to-time
secret agreements and
in private meetings turn
to policies to direct and
manage humankind,
nation after nation and
royalty, some sixty ultra-rich
families, power elite,
business, wheeler dealers,
corporate leaders, intellectual.
Military, scientists, inventors,
media, bureaucrat,
government elite-
heads of government
principal institutions,
whose opinions greatly
influence decisions of
their Palm World Lies-
Their desires politicians make
manifestoes soon to become policy framework for
their raison d’être
global institutions turn to
international goals
they pursue and implement.
ultimate aim to control-
future life and planet earth-
politicians substitute with
national interest,
pursue by diplomatic means,
followed by military campaigns,
in battle fields at sea, in air, and
on land.
Their mandate,
organized religions make
creeds and tenets at
gatherings, synods or
ecclesiastical councils,
which turn to regulations and
assembly and laity latter follow.
Politicians-they sponsor for
elective positions in executive and
legislative arms of government,
courts of competent jurisdiction-
local and international-
they have members and control.
Proxies or surrogates
head powerful organizations,
with significant impact on
humans globally.
Conduct World
Intelligence agencies
they control,
global network within
intelligence community
their locum oversee,
to have entire world on
their palm.
remotely-they control,
operational and command
in their hand they are held;
military industrial complex
they own, manage, and control.
Schools-especially colleges-
research institutes, think tanks,
foundations, and charities,
they own, control or head;
platforms and agoras-
they reach humanity with
messages through covert or
furtive kindness.
Their beliefs, interests, and
proxies turn to political and
social issues for debates in
agenda-they set for politicians-
during elections to hoodwink
society toward their proclivity.
From time to time schools’
curricular are generated from
their beliefs through
legislative enactments;
their thoughts,
society embrace and
adopt as culture.
Books and visual materials,
regularly developed from their
doctrines as political and
economic foundation for
the society,
published in their printing
presses and other outlets
for mass purchase and use.
People’s political behavior
is routinely fine-tuned
by their thinking,
to brainwash, indoctrinate
students and,
to catechize learners at schools,
at work places, homes, and
public square from time to time.
Rule Over Mankind-
support services-to them-
they belong,
pharmaceutical industrial
they own and control.
Because of mankind’s
desire for quality and
good health,
from pharmaceutical companies,
they feed humanity;
in turn humans get hooked or
addicted to chemical materials
produced as medication.
Global financial institutions,
Bretton Wood Systems,affiliate national financial
federal reserve of, bank of, and
bank for this and that
belong to them.
Financial clubs-London and
Paris-they own and control,
all financial instruments-
in money, capital markets,
derivatives, and hedge funds,
they created to hornswoggle
governments and masses.
Insurance services,
from auto to health,
marine, aviation, home,
property, and industrial,
they designed to
hold mankind slave
in perpetuity.
World Stock Exchanges-
they created and own,
world commodity markets for
soft and hard items,
they control from sea to sea.
financial instruments’
in their hand they reside.
with consequential impact on
they own or control,
from hidden corners,
global corporatocracy is
power and control of
world economy reside with
alrgest global corporations.
they honk,
every living human obey,
through proxies or
paid executives and
task masters,
earth’s residents they lead to
plantations every day.
From Sunday to Saturday,
from sunrise to sunset
laborers or glorified slaves,
engage in never ending toil;
upon blood, sweat, and
tears of eight billion people,
a superclass of ultra-rich
is nurtured and sustained.
Global food production,
marketing, sales, and
distribution come under their
veterinary medicine and
agrichemicals belong to them,
their investments in agriculture
has cleverly produced
genetically modified organisms
mass produced foods
flood their grocery-chain
stores earth-wide,
for humans and pets
to buy and eat.
Every day humankind is
confronted with low quality
with attendant health problems
and risky.
Through advertisement,
by means of three Cs-
collaboration, collusion, and
connivance of governments
with private organizations,
ceaselessly, humans are
directed to their hospitals,
medicines, and vaccines,
which offer little or no hope.
World propaganda machines-
belong to them,
multi and trans national
24/7 cable organizations,
mind controlled apparatus,
hedonistic gizmo of all times,
falsely used as catharsis.
pill,cleverly applied on masses
through lewd entertainment
to calm frayed nerves,
damaged neurotransmitters, and
overcharged noggin’s electrical
which makes unquestionable
obedience to their commands
Shipping businesses-
from building to freighting,
to move raw materials
from looted lands-most in
to western hemisphere,
they own and manage.
In turn their business empire
transport finished or value
added products and services,
from production centers
in cargoes to international
markets for sales.
they own and control,
from domestic to international
to move capital, labor, and
industrial machinery
from lands of production to
global markets for sale.
businesses in electronic,
software, computer products,
and services belong to them;
information technology-
power behind social media and
business process outsourcing
belong to them.
Rules and regulations guiding
international trades,
they dictate,
through World Trade
they dictate the conditions and
modalities of international trades.
quotas, subsidies removal,
no prohibitions, zero protection,
their mouthorgan-
WTO keep pushing to
international for a,
making emerging economies of
Asia, Africa, and South America
less competitive to multinational
corporations from western
unusual power and
strings they’ll continue
to pull,
yes-secret clubs and
influence they wield on
political class.
power they exert on
commerce and industry,
friendship with organized
religion give them indirect
control over humanity.
to pull-
from sunrise to sunset,
different musical notes of
C, G, D, A or G, D, A, E,
mankind will keep receiving
from their violin, lyre, cello, viola,
guitar, mandolin, banjo, harp,
lute, zither, banduria, and ukulele.
where power resides,
authority dwells,
influence originates, and
global control domiciles.

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