Century After:
Unsinkable! Unsinkable!
Unsinkable!belief her builders sold
to mankind,
modern day ark of Noah,
myth her builders created
in homo sapiens.

luxury in her,
second to none,
wealth and opulence,
it paraded beyond description;
Titanic-the 20th century-
floating home,
hanging garden of modern times,
reminiscence of ancient Babylonian

mobile home Greek and
Roman gods of oceans-
Poseidon and Neptune
welcomed with reverence
and fanfare;
Monster-oceans even feared-
before it sailed,Titanic-a three-football-field-
forerunner and precursor to
modern day cruise ships.

Engineering behind it
technology behind it,
equally amazing,
design intimidating,
construction very phenomenal.
Everything about her was
her 720-ton reciprocating
steam-powered- engines,
produced 30,000 hp,
turbine-secondary source-
output 16,000 hp,
engines fueled by 29 boilers
from 159 furnaces;
Titanic-a seafaring machine of-
exceptional make.
scientific arts far ahead
its time,
a 20th miracle from
superior intellect,
her water, ventilation, heating
system provided by
“a complex network
pipes and valves.”
400kw steam-propelled
more than average cities’,
power generation;
radiotelegraph-it carried-
maintained a 24-hour service,
sending, receiving passenger
telegrams, navigation messages,
and weather reports,
very new in maritime history.
hundred thousand people
when launched,
surged and rolled on
twenty-two tons of soap and
tallow lubricated-passage into
River Logan,
before going into open
still titanic refused to sail.
no thanks to Labrador Current,
yes, no thanks to Gulf Stream;
her several sea trials did not save,
her different speeds, turning
her less than four minutes
“crash stop,”
engineering wizardry of
her time,
failed her when needed most.
With 193 nautical miles
to Ambrose Light andthen to New York,
on maiden voyage-
Titanic hit a-200-foot-iceberg at
Grand Banks of Newfoundland,
within minutes-five compartments-
became flooded;
unsinkable began to sink.

seven hundred souls survived,
about three-hundred-and-thirty
dead bodies recovered from sea;
Titanic went under,
unsinkable sank.

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