Came to my home,
found me not,on the farm,
she did not see me,
at school,
I had left before
her arrival.
In the church,
I skipped mass andholy communion
because of her,
at public square,
I didn’t show up,
club house-I bade-
goodbye because of her,
agoras-vacation-I took-
to avoid her.
her love drove me crazy,
her image-mind etched-
immediately without editing
or cropping,
her picture-mind carried
far and wide-
thought on her,
mind refused to let go.
As a new lover,
I saw and treated
her in my dreams,
her voice on mindturned intoxicating liquor,
smiles-seen from afar-
became opium to sedate me,
her beauty turned cannabis
that made me high.
Her attention,
I sought for months,
royal emissaries-I sent-
uncountable times,
her face-I desired to behold-
in the rain visitations to her home,
I made countless times,
in the sun-by city gate-
I stood for her to see me.
She declined my
away she sent my
messengers,from inner chamber-she roared-
given me marching orders,
behind closed doors-
she sent messengers away-
upon instruction-sentry-
marched community delegation
out from her courtyard.
She locked her love gate,
from community of lovers,she excused and excluded
seeking face once ignored,
sending me love lyrics,
inviting me to home once
chased out,
calling my royal emissaries
to intercede.
Blowing kakaki or trumpet
of love
on social media,of love
looking for me
through GPS of love on every media,
promising me heaven and
on oath to make me happy.
love again?
shall I go on-my-knees-all-day
for her love again?
shall I give another try
to her love again?
I said to unreciprocated
my love for her is LOST;
nothing is better than to
say: Good Bye to