Saturday, April 9, 2016

Addiction: Idol Many Worship

Addiction: Idol Many Worship

Addiction-highway that leads
its travelers to nowhere,
hypnotic condition of mind-
master and idol to many souls,
which victims have no control

Under its arms-several people
its palms-a deceptive crystal ball-
that gives non-reliable future
its feet, though very swift,
always run a lost race.

In its courtyard are myriads,
subjects of its kingdom are
young males and females,
viable economic group,
biologically imbued in
the society.

Addiction neither employs
nor gives hope to its own,
rather it takes tomorrow away
making millions of innocent souls
layabouts and malingerers
in its courtyard;
the wages it pays is time-stealing,
inheritance it bequeaths to progeny-
individual with opaque-mental-
disposition OMD are poverty and
irredeemable ruination.

In the day and at night,
multitude go to this courtyard-
to receive promises,
promises-like dewdrops-
misty and foggy-
like mirage which shall never be.

Addiction, a bizarre condition of
a possessive personality,
which exercises unholy power
that turns rational mind to zombie.

So powerful-even-diabolical and
very commanding,
it takes physical control of
those-it rules;
very lethal-for it renders-
mental power of those-
it dominates useless-,
deactivating brain wires and
electrical signals or at best
turns brain automated.

Without question,
addiction demands obedience,
expects loyalty from its disciples,
making religion out of fans;
religion that gravitates
toward perversion and absurdity.

For centuries, produce of its
vineyard are rotten fruits of
depression, hyperactive disorder,
solitude, relationship deficiency,
social, moral, and sexual
behaviors contrary
to reason and decency.

How long will addiction rule
over humankind?
Insofar man has more rum in
inasmuch as more drugs are on
streets and in neighborhoods,
addiction will continue to rule
as king over mankind.

To the extent,
man build everything
around sex,
much as sex’s traditional
tripartite role of intimacy,
procreation, and pleasure are
replaced by man-defined roles of
sex as a tool, sex as a business,
sex as a power, and a sport;
addiction shall keep permanent
residency with man,
walk tall, control mankind;
more so, torment man with
a horsewhip.

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