Monday, April 18, 2016

The Golden Mother

The Golden Mother

In her tummy, 
I had lain for
three hundred days,
a single, 
but multi-purpose room;
there I slept and played
there I ate and bathed.

A blanket that warmed me 
in winter,
the linen that refreshed me 
in the summer,
a protective cover of all 
times and seasons
from harm and disease.

A gymnasium of every sort-
where I ran and skipped,
where I relaxed when 
wanted and desired,
where I changed body position,
whenever necessary.

Her discomfort was my comfort,
her varied and numerous pains 
gave way to my happiness  and
joy within.
Her groaning I care less to know,
her overweight the load I passed
over to her,
her edema my waste she carried.

Her arms my couch and
sofa of three years,
her breasts my never-
her legs the spinning chairs
that always put me to sleep.

Her laps I bed wet for years,
her clothes I turned to diapers
to hold my waste;
her head-tie I used as
handkerchief to clean 
my face.

Her back-a mobile crèche
without equal,
her mouth-the lullaby-
gramophone devoid of
musical instruments,
unbeatable by any
world class musician.

My cries she understands,
my pains she bears and soothes,
my joy we both share-
when I smile she laughs.

My concern her concern,
My emotions she reads easily,
My feelings she interprets with

Her name I knew before 
other names,
her voice I recognized 
with distinction,
her face the first image 
ever recorded in mind.

When I play she responds 
modest yet, very inviting are
her challenges for my 
growth and development;
out of love  she challenged
me to begin the
walk of life by steps.

Challenged me to crawl by
throwing dice at me,
tasked me to stand up
raising objects atop of me;
tasked me to walk by 
holding my hands,
taught me how to run by
running with me.

From her I learned the
first lesson of life,
all-round teacher in those
formative years;
all-time companion,
who does not abandon
even in tough times.

The inner room counselor-
who assures, supports, and
shall I forget you,
even with a few failings
and noticeable errors?

Never! Never!!Never!!!
May you continue to live,
let your pride of motherhood
manifest to ALL.


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