Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Homogenous Man

The Homogenous Man

Be a-twelve-foot man,
be a-three-or-four-foot-man,
be White, Black, Brown, or
are you a man, woman, or a child?
All humans under the sun are same.

Do you live in Arctic North?
Domicile near the
Antarctica South?
Reside in sun-rise or sun-set?
With varied time zones, and
different climatic conditions
all men, yes-I say have common
needs and desires.

Profess to be a Christian?
Believe in quintet pillar of worship,
express ethical-oriented philosophy;
proclaim to be an atheist,
hold agnostic philosophical  view.

Are you a Hindu, or a Taoist?
Adherent of Shinto, or
hold no religious view;
all men have in-born urge
to worship someone supreme.

Do you drink or eat from
golden earthen vessels, or
eat from a humble bowl?

Do you eat with chopstick, or
custom made silver wares?
Perhaps, with bare hands you eat,
always fed by someone-
because of physical challenges;
the urge  to feed is common
in all men-for survival.

Class or no Class-
from poverty-stricken,
homeless, unemployed  through
manual labor of both
skilled and unskilled,
to “sandwich” or middle class, and
mighty upper class of both
“new”  or “old money”;
every living soul has three equal
gifts: time, one life, and death.

 Every human is a product of
five elements: biological, spiritual,
psychological, emotional, and cultural;
overlapping, but more so,
inter-related elements that
create individual personality.

At conception every human
lived in a three-different-shaped
uterus: grape, pawpaw, and
in life, homes of different sizes
humans live;
but in death, every human lives
in six feet below.

Just as each day goes in
three-equal-cycle of: morning,
afternoon, and night;
so too, every human undergoes-
infancy, adulthood, and old age.

Every human comes through
a narrow door at birth,
but departs  through
a wide door in death.

Wherever man lives,
wherever woman is found
under the heaven,
Black, White, Brown, or
mankind is same-
progeny of someone-humans  are.

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