Monday, April 25, 2016

Life: The Elusive Concept.

Life: The Elusive Concept.

Is life about living alone?
Or about birth, growth,
copulation, and death afterward?
Is life about making name,
goal pursuit, live one’s tall
dream, and
then fade away?

Life! Life!! Life!!!
Tell the world-who you are, and
what aptly defines you,
success, accomplishment,
failure, trouble, crisis, happiness,
joy, peace, cry, pain, anguish, and  
a journey back to grave?

Please, tell, what fittingly
describes your personality:
love, hate, peace, accommodation;
with individual make up traits-
man is yet to come to a
universally acceptable definition.

Even the big five personality
models: openness, conscientiousness,
extraversion, agreeableness, and
neuroticism-OCEAN or CANOE
barely explains what life is.

Life-you have become
many things to different
still, I ask with tenacity of
Life-who are you?
Where did you come from?
When did you come into
Why thou come into being?
How did you come into being?

Life is more of a mirage or
shadow that appears to be
real or factual,
but turns a play book of a
fairy tale of a pie in the sky.

Consider the blank tablet-
Mind-at birth,
which gradually turns to
a complex cuneiform-
as soon as life’s journey

Life-a journey to unknown
upon individual’s arrival;
imagine the void at birth
that turns a home-filled
experience several years after,
which may neither guarantee
success to discreet and wise
nor failure to the foolish.

Life- a metaphorical door-
that opens back and forth;
a lesson on ups-and-downs-
which begins at birth,
but ends in death.

 Do you see-life-
a long stretch of road
leading to a multiple
destinations for
different passers-by?

A lesson on-individuality-
no two journeys-even if made-
on same race lane is same.

Is life not a symbolic home of
occupied by different people?

A lesson that life presents
different challenges and
challenge by accident,
a few occurrence happen
naturally or by design,
another through opportunity
by default.

Life-like a ship at sea-
tossed by strong winds-
but determined to anchor
at shore;
does it not remind you-
most life is lived in turbulent
Just as individual weather
the-storm-of-life with
determined spirit to anchor.

Don’t you marvel at the
cyclical nature of life-
as man undergo physical growth
and spiritual re-awakening?
Just as earth revolves around it axis
resulting in rebirth, regeneration,
and growth?

Life is more of metamorphosis-
many-sided developmental changes-
consecutive or successive;
changes from things anticipated,
changes from accidents,
changes from cycles of event,
changes from cataclysmic events;
change from a failure,
change from a success.

Life-so difficult to define,
not easily discerned,
as it continues to intrigue man;
but it is certain,
when it begins at birth,
it terminates in death.

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