Saturday, April 16, 2016

Alzheimer: Show Them Love To Live Again.

Alzheimer: Show Them Love To Live Again.

Give them love,
show them understanding-
make them feel the person-
they once were;
their dignity, never take
away from them,
their self-respect, without
hesitation you must maintain.

Memory may be gone,
storage and retrieval
mechanism may have
like arboretum-
a botanical garden of trees-
Alzheimer patients-remain
individuals in the
garden of homo sapiens .

Although, their past is erased,
the present-they live on
borrowed time-
let their life have meaning
let them live their life to
the fullest;
belittle or denigrate them not,
rather, praise and honor them.

When angry, show empathy-
when agitated, never aggravate-
engage them, but never task;
involve them, expect little or

Draw them out in love,
show them kindness,
when inactive-offer help-
results-do not anticipate,
rather, prepare for
disappointments as their
condition worsening and
decline followed

Regardless, give those-
Living with Alzheimer love-
show individual living with
Alzheimer understanding,
dignity, do not take away,
self-respect, never deny.

Treat them not like figures,
treat them not like babies,
but let their self-worth
reside with them.

Show Alzheimer love-
to make them live AGAIN.

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